"The Chevy" is a beautifully - MADE to Order - handcrafted handbag that you will use for a lifetime. Please allow up to 8 weeks for your bag to be made. Each bag is meticulously pieced together in our small studio one at a time. Choose from brown, blacks/gray, blues, or other- you choose, we have a rainbow of colors in the studio (price may vary upon customization). This one of a kind beauty can be used in multiple seasons and will go perfectly with your favorite pair of jeans! Brass snap close at top of the bag (we use belts or matching leather depending on availability).
CHOOSE from - leather stripe down center or no stripe, please let us know your preference in checkout, you can see the difference between the styles in photos.
Measurements/details - 12-13.5" x 12.5-13 with a 2-2.5"" base (because very bag is unique measurements may vary slightly), she has a slim profile but very roomy and comfortable to carry as a shoulder bag or crossbody. 2 straps - 3/4' leather strap has a 12" shoulder drop, and the adjustable webbing strap is 48" at longest. Zippered interior pocket and 2 large slip pockets - matching leather key fob comes with every bag. You choose lining - we contact you upon ordering. We carry a wide variety of straps, if you happen to have a leather belt you'd like incorporated in design let us know!!
If you're in a hurry and would not like to consult with us on the lining/strap choices we can choose them for you! Let us know your preferences in checkout notes. Less customization will definitely decrease your wait time.
Leather is a natural material with variations in color, markings that make each piece a one of a kind. Thank you for shopping small with us!